Tuesday, October 14, 2008

NEPMTBA and others honored on Penn Live.com... Wild about Pa... Nature Conservancy... Moosic Mt. Preserve

 The efforts of NEPMTBA, and others, the Nature Conservancy's Moosic Mt Preserve led by Jenny Case and her fellow members, their dream of having trails on the mountain to hike and bike are open.
Please view the story and the video at:

New trails opened on Moosic Mountain, near Scranton

Monday, October 6, 2008


Work = Success...
...all who jumped on the ride for a dream had it come true yesterday! Nature Conservancy, Hubbard Bike club, NEPMTBA, the Mt Top crew, the Plymouth guys and many other support groups success was a fine sunny day with cool air and the perfect atmosphere to ride on great trails that are simply spectacular.
 To "all" who "supported" this! Hats off to you as this is one of the newest legal riding areas in NEPA developed by many who cared deeply about preservation and proper land use! Not to mention the rare chance for mt bikers to work with the Nature Conservancy hereby forming a great alliance of trust, understanding, and respect for what we had to work with and educating many to the need to preserve special land such as the Barrens.It was a gathering of more than 75 mt bikers, many hikers and people who supported the preservation of a fantastic piece of property that will now be protected forever due to the Nature Conservancy. In turn allowing great Mt biking and hiking through a rare barrens area of Pa.
 Let's talk trails: Roughly 7 miles in a loop exist with the Blueberry trail as a great beginner mt bike or hike. In the AM and after a few mt bike rides we closed it off for this day only to allow only "hiking" as it was the closest trail to the parking access. More than 50 people were on the hike led by members of the NC. The Blueberry has a natural spring and many unique features on it's 1 mile trek.Other trails including the rock outcropped inner loop and beyond are much more "tech" trails with many turns and small elevation gains pieced together with rock leggos designed by Rob. The O' Conner' dam trail has a substantial climb outlined by perfect ribbon of continuous single track.Trails continue in a loop to the power line and beyond with more building in that area in the future.More than 7 miles are now on dirt and we move to stage 2 which will see the construction of more unique trails within this property area and the efforts to protect up to 15,000 acres of Barrens land. Rides broke into many smaller groups with trail leaders, Jenny, Loren and myself rode the O' Conner's dam trail and return before it was time to leave for the day.
 It was good to see support form Hubbard bicycle club who had the ball rolling on this project from the very beginning. Spending time talking and riding with old friends of Hubbard, John Graboski had a tailgate party going on and it was well attended! Tom Jones was in the crowd from Around Town bicycles as was Dave Johns, Bill and Arron from Cedar bike. Sal and Maryann Mecca(Dunmore historical society) hiked the Blueberry trail. Nino, Gene, Rob, Neal, Paris, Ed, Mike, Bob, Janine, Jeff, Dave, Dennis, and many others were in attendance along with all 3 news stations.
 The ribbon cutting ceremony was led by the Nature Conservancy with members speaking to the crowd, Jenny Case introduced the trail builders: Rob Gregory, Gene Katapski and (myself) Lee Curry who were all front and center on stage to receive gifts from her and the Nature Conservancy. Paris and Ed along with many other volunteers also received gifts and were honored for their hard work to see this project to success!
 NEPMTBA would like to thank "EVERYONE" who worked along side each other in friendship and total dedication to allow the opportunity we were offered in the property given to design, construct, and ride the trails now on dirt for all to enjoy along with the fantastic views and scenery of this area.
 Special thanks to the Nature Conservancy's Jenny, and Ellen for the opportunity and the positive energy you always had, but especially to Molly for the great cookies and cakes you had on the work days!... LOL...

...Success = Ride/Hike 

Monday, September 29, 2008

Welcome Moosic Mt Preserve

A great place to ride or hike!